Love The Earth

The following is a prayer that came to me yesterday at work. The prayer itself is based upon some modernistic teachings of an ancient Hawai’ian philosophy called Ho’oponopono. This modernistic styling of Ho’oponopono is something I learned of while reading books written by Dr. Joe Vitale, one of the teachers that was introduced in the movie, The Secret. (To answer your question, yes I am a BIG believer in the Law of Attraction – and hopefully that will be another blog.)

In the modern, updated version of Ho’oponopono, we are taught that we can create and heal the world around us by using four phrases.

Seriously. Four phrases.

  1. I’m Sorry.
  2. Please Forgive Me.
  3. Thank You.
  4. I Love You.

Yes, there’s more to it than just that, but the essence boils down to these four key phrases. In this spirit, this prayer came to me yesterday, and I thought I would share it with the world, since that is the main objective for us here at Awfully Delightful: Put good into the world.

Natesh Ramasamy_Anekal-Mini Falls :)

A Prayer For The Earth

I am sorry, Mother Earth, for ignoring you. For allowing us to continually do more harm than good.

Please forgive us for destroying our clean air & water. Forgive us for decimating our wildlife and all manner of creatures that once roamed this planet.

Thank you for awakening us. Thank you for providing a good and beautiful home for us, for still managing to keep us all alive even though we turned our backs on you.

I love you.

And it is done.


Anekal – Mini Falls 🙂 by Natesh Ramasamy is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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